Thursday, October 05, 2006


Alright, I'm tired. I'm crabby, and I have two paper to perfect. That's gunna happen. Why does everything seem to pile up. Even when I am ahead of where most people are... I just don't get it. How can I feel so overwhelmed when I shouldn't. Well, I guess I should talk about teaching. I had a somewhat good day. As good as 2 hours of sleep could allow. I had to student make a parallel with Fargo Rock City. He said that he understood his chapter as chuck demonstrating that Metal was actually mediocre music with fit well with Chuck's mediocre life, and in the end he ends up trying to glamorize his mediocre. I couldn't believe it. When I asked if he had ran with it in his paper.. He said "no." I couldn't believe it! A great observation and no hint of it in his paper! I guess I'm not a freshman.. Maybe they don't realize a good idea when it hits them smack in the face. I still really don't understand the whole PPT thing. I looked at the website, but I guess I'm just too tired to get it right now. Do the students just do a presentation on whatever the music moves them to present on? Do we do our powerpoint in the same way or are we given more direction? I guess I'll just add that to my overwhelming pile. Or I'll just face the fact that I can't do anything about it now, so I just won't think about it. I'm use to beginning projects in advance, so it bothers me that I can't do that as much or as well as I use to.


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