Monday, September 25, 2006


Alright, I have finished grading all of my papers. I didn't give any A's.. Is that bad? I think I gave one B+.. And that was my highest score. I can't believe it! I wasn't even tempted to give an A. I gave some A's on individual reviews, but none on the whole set. A stack of papers 4 inches high and not one A. I really wish I knew how to help my students "get it". It just amazes me, I really don't think that I was that bad of a writer when I came to college, but then again I had my mom proof reading everything I wrote. What do kids these days have to write in High school? Some of these kids are absolutely shocked at the idea of a 5 page paper! I had to write a 8-10 page paper in SUMMER SCHOOL! What has happened in the last 5 years? At least this beast of a grading session is over!


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