Sunday, November 05, 2006

Can't organize!

Ok, well I have tired anything and everything to stay organized this semester, but nothing is working. I am in the middle of trying to make a list of everything that needs to get done this semester.. And I can't even breath. Between Krishnan's class and revising, I just don't foresee keeping my sanity! I have never in my life just wanted to quit school, but this semester has done it. I don't know how many times I've just wanted to say SCREW IT! And walk away. Right now listening to frog calls looks really good. I have so much frustration when it comes to half of this shit that I just want to scream. I mean I can do exams, and papers, and presentations, HELL I've even had to read books and essays before! I miss sitting in class and learning.. I miss understanding.. Things like why is the artic fox white? Or What is the difference between a hormone and an enzyme? OR even better what alters the ovulation cyle in mammals? How do odor and hormones effect the reproductive biology.. if you are interested I have a very interesting paper on the subject. I am just sooo frustrated. There is nothing else i can say about how I feel right now, just frustrated and unfulfilled. Oh yeah .. Spell check is still not working and I have no idea how to fix it.


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