Saturday, November 04, 2006


Oh my gosh! I feel absolutely ill! I can't even fucntion and everything I do only seems to make things worse. I have tried to get through my student's journals, but this overwhelming feeling suggesting that my stomach is no longer willing to hold its content isn't making it very easy. i wan to do my revisions, but again sitting up is horrible and the throbbing through my skull is again a hinderance to any scholastic progress. I am sooooo sick of being sick. The only positive right now is that the bison are making an amazing come-back against UCD. However, they really need to get their butt in gear the last 50 seconds. If I have to hear "incmoplete" onemore time I very well may vomit! I can't stand sloppy football! If you can't play with the big boys then GO HOME!!! I am pissy I hate watching a losing game. So I told all of my students that the PPT videos would probably due on last THursday, however 90% of them hadn't even started it! They then preceeded to bitch about the amount of homework they had over the weekend! I swear i wanted to scream! They had a week and a half to finsih their PPT and they act like its my fault that they have a lot of homework this weekend! GRRRRRRRRR! Oh yeah and I have the most frustrating student in my 3:30 class. He turn in his memoir in a week and a half late! AGAIN! Then he said that he couldn't find class.. but he didn't e- mail me to ask what was going on.. or look on his schedule or check blackboard .. or hand in his memoir to my mail box! Then he looks at me like it's my fault! I am under the impression that I might even have to hold his hand while he goes to the bathroom. GOD! hate to use this word , but this kid is border line STUPID! his writing isn't bad, but he hasn't figured out that THIS ISN'T HIGH SCHOOL! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! While NDSU won in the last 10 seconds.. I gues I won't have to vomit, but i think my stomach would a appreciate the up-chuck of whatever is in my tummy that it doesn't like. and now my spell check isn't working.. so my apologies to the many spelling mistakes that dominate this entry(I'm guessing).


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